Astrology Compatibility Consultation

Maximize the Harmony in Your Relationship

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Astrology Compatibility Consultation

The Astrology Compatibility Consultation gives you detailed insights into the inner workings of your relationship. This  consultation takes an in-depth look at the dynamics between you and your partner.


Information covered:


  • Comparison of planetary aspects between the two astrology charts to obtain a ratio of positive versus challenging connections. This provides a big picture outlook of the overall harmony or struggle in the relationship.
  • Discussion regarding challenging planetary aspects along with strategies and perspectives to strengthen areas of weakness and/or conflict.
  • Discussion of positive plantetary aspects that enhances the harmony, love, and attraction to each other.
  • The ways that each partner is impacted in the various areas of life by their partner (positive and challenging).
  • An overall strategy and perspective is discussed for finding the greatest amount of happiness and fulfillment with each other.

Ultimately, the compatibility consultation will give you a deeper level of understanding and appreciation of each other that will empower you to create a  relationship that truly works for both of you.

$125 (60 Minutes) - Complimentary MP3 recording of the session included